Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Thanksgiving DIY Leaf and Pumpkin shaped Crayons Cards

There is never a lack of broken crayons in this house :D We decided to put them to good use this season. This is easy project for little hands, and nothing is better than giving extra Thanks to the people around us. 
1. Fall-inspired cookie molds from local Michaels. Make sure they are silicone not plastic! 
{Oven safe}
2.Bunch of crayola crayons, color of your choice. We decided to do colorful pastel pumpkins and mix up some for leaves. 
3. Cards template can be found here{click} Only $2!
I have printed all the templates at my local Fedex on 110lb paper.
4.Glue or double-sided tape {whichever you have}
5. Excited little helper :)

{Part1} Take the paper off crayons. It can be a daunting task so here is a tip. Cut across with a sharp knife and let your little one to unwrap - much easier!

{Part2} Break them in to  pieces and sort out in to the molds. Place molds with crayons in to a baking dish {for easier removal} and bake in the oven for 20 minutes at 300 degrees.
{Part 3} Let them cool off for another 30 minutes before taking out of molds. 
Fix them on cards with the glue and enjoy the cuteness you've just made ! 
I also used some gold and silver leaf Rub&Buff for the pumpkin tops. 

Happy Thanksgiving ! 

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